2024-2025 Senior Auditions
Saturday November 16th (snow date November 17th)
Westfield State University
Catherine Dower Center for the Performing and Fine Arts
2024-2025 Senior Festival
Saturday, January 11th, 9:00am–3:00pm
Saturday, January 18th, 9:00am–3:00pm; concert at 3:00pm
Minnechaug High School
(Snow dates January 12th & 19th)
Documents and Forms
The credentials for Avenir are the same as last year.
If you need access to your school's credentials, please email Kirsten Peirce at wdauditions.kpeirce@gmail.com
Senior Endorsement Form
To be filled out by each auditioning student
Bring them to the audition.
Senior Audition Time Request Form
To request a time for your school or individual students
Video Audition Request Form
For students unable to attend the audition
To be filled out if the registering teacher cannot
attend the MMEA-WD event
$15 per ticket
Membership in The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is required in order to register students for district festival auditions. For membership information, please go to nafme.org to apply online.
You must have an active membership I.D. #
by the registration deadline.
Teachers: Click here for registration instructions.
The cost for each audition is $15.
Students registered to audition who do not show up to the audition will not be refunded.
Late/walk-in registrations are $30 per audition.
Forms and payment are due at the auditions.
The cost to participate in the festival is $25 per student.
Students who are accepted to the festival are expected to participate fully in both rehearsals and the concert. Conflicts cannot be accommodated except for illness, injury, or other unexpected last-minute emergencies.
Forms and payment are due at the first festival rehearsal.
There will be a flat fee of $50 per school for late payment for the festival.